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Every day,  we can learn something new ! Knowledge is power ! I’m very excited ! We develop the brain by learning new things, new skills, foreign languages. Make a decision, learn something new every day and progress is safe ! For example, I learned, among other things, the Slovenian language so well, so now I’m teaching other people who want it or need it.  We learn, we gain experience and new business opportunities, we make friends.  What have you learned, please tell me?


What do you think?

23 Points

Written by Mila


  1. Yes, it’s great to convey your knowledge.
    I teaching in person and online also.
    Thanks for your advice , thinking in that direction.

    • We talked about the power and importance of knowledge and learning … We specifically mentioned foreign language learning. What do you like to learn, what foreign language or other area maybe?

  2. There are many things I’d like to learn, but I’ve been procrastinating. ?
    Learning some languages is definitely one of those, how long did it take you to learn Slovenian? What made you interested in learning it, if I may ask? ?

    • Learning is a process … Learning time It depends on what level you want to learn, as well as other commitments and persistence. I learned Slovenian to level C in 2-3 years. The pace of learning was easy. An extenuating circumstance is that the language is similar to my native language but still different. I was learning because of love and work. I’m still learning that language , now I teaching other people ?.

      • Yes, languages keep on evolving and you can never stop learning, it surely helps when you’re actively using it in your environment, be it work, travelling or just enjoying music, movies or literature.
        Just 2-3 years for such a professional level is impressive nevertheless! ?

        • Yes, I agree with you. Thanks for the compliment. I tried to learn as much as possible, surrounded myself with that language in every way possible. I’ve learned a lot through practicing fun, reading, listening … everyone has their own kind of organization, desire and persistence are important. Now I want to learn some other new things, e.g. other foreign languages. What language did you want to learn?

          • Finnish has always been my dream, but not many people to practice with, and it doesn’t come easy anyway because most Finns speak English and prefer to do so. The only easy thing in that language is that they use the Latin alphabet and the pronunciation is not hard.
            I tried with Russian but the Cyrillic script confuses me, so I thought of attempting with Chinese. Pictograms should be different enough, and of course, it’s the most spoken language in the world, and the economy is strong there, might come in handy.
            I read your native language is Serbian, it seems to have its own kind of Cyrillic too.

          • Great, you thrilled me.
            Just keep going, dreams come true!
            My native language is in Cyrillic and you are well-informed. But it also has Latin. There is one great advantage to writing exactly as it reads. Nothing deviates. I wonder if there is any other language like that, so far I have not found out …

  3. Where do you learn Slovenian? I’d like to learn it, too, because my husband’s father is from Slovenia and my husband have many cousins in Slovenia. We were there a few years ago and I couldn’t talk with them. Help me to learn it, please!

  4. I’m not learning anything new right now. Seniors are always short on time. Congratulations, you learn my mother tongue. I heard it’s hard language. ?

    • Thank you, ( Hvala lepa) Vidocka! Honestly, it’s a very nice language.
      I loved him. It is similar to my native language – Serbian. The grammar needs to be mastered, everything else is a matter of time and persistence.
      Just like in any other matter.
      Otherwise, foreign languages ​​are my passion …

  5. I’m learning too computer programming! Web development- frontend and backend . I’m learning very slowly… but I will be persistent !