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Seeing the Essence ~ 365 Photos Challenge #126

We all know that your eyes and I have the same parts even though our pupils can vary in color. What is different is what we see, what we want to see, how we see and the reasons, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Many of us know that we in general people see things not as they are but as how we want to see them. Even if we are able to see things as they are without paradigm interference, our desires, our thoughts and our judgments, not fooled by optical illusions, still they are the world as we see them, that is not the real reality.

In fact, we cannot describe reality by seeing because, in order to describe it, we must distance ourselves from reality, and by making a distance to see we cannot take its full essence. The world we see, which we describe, or even which philosophy describes, is not the real world. In order to appear as it is, the world must be lived, to realize, an appreciation with consciousness, not thought or seen, be a ball and not see the ball, and that means no distance.

This is the reality of life’s wisdom that is closely related to our peace of mind or peace. If the formulas of our life come from our eyes or our thoughts, our logic or from the experts we admire, then that is not our reality, not yet our happiness or peace.

The wisdom that comes from a thought and or philosophy is merely a form of desire, something longed for, something that is not yet complete, unfinished, there is still a search which means something lacking or deficit. The plenary no longer craves because nothing else is sought but the deficit is always looking for because there is a cavity in it that makes it not full. The representation of that wisdom by nature is only a small chunk of the episode of the living world.

As with other senses, our eyes are oriented outward, seeing everything that is before us, outside of us, the outside part of ourselves. Eyes need distance to see, and you will not be able to see your eyes in the mirror by gluing your eyes in the mirror. So, To live life, to feel true life, to feel happiness and peace, it cannot be done with our eyes that need distance, moreover by seeing how others live or just how the lives of others.

If we are already exhausted with endless desires, the desire to have more and more, to understand life, to experience happiness and peace, you just have to live your life, no distance, be or realize life itself. You don’t need the recognition or approval of anyone, not even from your own mind. If you are willing to close your eyes in such a way that your heart can be your eye, then with that vision looking at another world, your true life, then everything you do will be approved by life.

Then what is the use of our eyes? Our eyes are merely a tool to see what we can do for the world.

If you curious and eager to participate in this challenge, here are the rules and guidelines to join.


What do you think?

10 Points


  1. The wisdom that comes from thought and / or philosophy is just a form of desire, something longing for something that is not yet finished, unfinished, there is still demand, which means there is something missing or deficient.

    Another post so useful to all of us. thanks

  2. Closing my eyes is when I feel the most peace. It is amazing. Our minds have to be retrained from behavior that is not healing got our soul. It is a long process.

    • Exactly, Coach! Therefore, to be humble and not to feel always right by relying solely on the eyes and the mind or intellectual intelligence is an advantage apart from being able to sharpen our spiritual intelligence.

  3. If you are willing to close your eyes in such a way that your heart can be your eye, then with that vision looking at another world, your true life, then everything you do will be approved by life………….
    beautifully written, I agree with you
