Having realised she was a battered wife she now had to decide what she was going to do.
She could call the police. They’d babble and warn and leave and Mac would beat her again. That kind of reaching out for ‘help’ doesn’t work.
She had no family or any friends. Mac had worked very hard to cut her off from everyone she knew. This was, in one way, a plus. Since she had no one there was no one keeping her in this city.
All she had to do is run. Mac would never find her for she would leave no trail. She would not know where she was going until…
She needed to map out a number of possible places she could go, places far enough away, places Mac would never think of looking, and money to get there.
When it does come, let me know please
today I posted the next chapter…
Give me the link. Just reply. i always check my notifications.
OMFG! There are those of us that help others with such issues. Lightworkers, such as Windy Grace Mason, and others that can and do help people of both sexes escape from battered lives.
The person has to be able to appreciate s/he is a battered spouse and be willing to admit it. In a lot of cases that’s the first hurdle. But most abusers never change.
I oppose every type of violence, especially against women.
There is a lot of abuse
So much intrigue. Did she succeed? I just want to know.
you have to read the story
I read it. I think it was just her thoughts. Did she act out her thoughts, that is what the story would have included.
this is only part 2 there is more to come