I spent a couple of hours reading Andre Hartslief. I was interested in the ability to think in one language and create in another. What a great skill. It is probably the true definition of a wordsmith. I would proudly give him that title.
Then I spent some time talking to my husband. His parents grew up in the deep south. His vocabulary was like another language to me in the beginning. He was always fixin’ to do something. One of his friends finally explained to me that fixin’ means it is probably not going to happen. If he ever puts a “g” on it, then it would get done. As it turns out, that is fairly accurate. He had that whole deep south going on.
He lived in California as a child and learned some slang that I still don’t understand.
Then we have to toss in a little redneck. (Well, based on the amount of duct tape in our home, it’s probably a whole lot of redneck.)
This has clearly gone from a post to a ramble, and I am simply going to embrace it. That got me thinking of the terms I was using which landed me here.
You may think I am done. I am not this ramble is to be continued.
Some may call me a redneck and that is fine with me. I find Andre’s writing fascinating as well.
I love languages. There are quite a few dialects in our country that are very difficult to understand. But I’m trying.
Why would you use a picture with the Stars and Bars? There is no need to uplift the Confederacy since they lost the Civil War
It was about rednecks, traditionally from the south (many of them are driving around with that flag still flying) and here in the United States, we are blessed to be able to do that. I don’t, and I will fight to the death for the rights of others to do so. I chose it because I believe it is an excellent symbol that embodies a big part of some who identify as rednecks.
I liked the heart shape and I liked that it looked like it was painted on boards.
I find Andre Hartslief an engaging skilled author. Thanks for the time of rambling thoughts, Ghost. This method of writing is, often, most fun to read. I just opened computer to relax after my shift work, dinner, shower and nap.
I love to read and watch things Andre shares. I spend a lot of time on his pages.
Redneck was once a term of honor. It meant you worked for a living, bent over with the back of your next exposed to the sun.
Now it is a comedy routine.
You know you might be a redneck if you mow your lawn and find a car.
Did you watch the video that talked about cutting your neck as well? Well, for some of us redneck is also a way of life. You should come to visit.
The police were too please when we had the grandkids in boxes dragging them behind the lawnmower. We loved it.
my grandpa and I once rigged a toboggan behind the tractor. Gramps drove us around on the lake. When he turned sharply my little sister flew off.
my mom was so mad. She was yelling at gramps. He just smiled. So I stepped up and said it was my idea, and my little sister walked up and said again!
you might be a redneck!
There is now doubt about it. I am officially and hunting, fishin’ redneck.
i am a fishing, race car race loving Redneck myself!
Languages are very fascinating. I am still amazed that I know English and Latvian fluently and can pick up the sound of one or another language easily. I miss some of the music I listened to in Latvia which also included a lot of rock and roll from the states. Anyway, when I listen to my favorites list on YouTube I have to smile as Latvian songs pop up among all the others and it is so simple to switch from one language to the next.
That is very cool. I had no idea they could be swtiched. I may have to play with that.