He woke up early in the morning, as soon as the sun showed up. Every bone in his body felt crooked and every muscle ached. “I could use some massage.”- said he trying to ignore his stomach which howled like a beaten dog. He really couldn’t remember when he ate. It seemed like a whole lifetime has passed since he has been at his home, with friends and his father. Father…… “I bet the old man regrets he threw me out, like a pair of old shoes.”- thought the boy maliciously. But there was no any use of bad feelings here, being hungry and alone. Although weak and famished, he continue walking ahead. Still going alongside the beach, he heard a noise. Instincts told him to be careful and hide. Curiosity told him to take a look. He saw a brood of those disgusting hairless apes, his father was so fond of, enjoying some barbaric play. There were a bunch of those, approximately from 5 to 7 years old, brandishing some sticks. As he remembered, those things weren’t dangerous until they grow up, so he decided to ignore them and continue walking.
He could see hesitation on children’s faces, when they saw him approaching. Every child tried to estimate should they trust to the deadbeat stranger and everyone of them concluded that he is too tired to fight. Besides, he was outnumbered anyway. So, they gave him pitying look and continue playing. The young man looked better and was surprised when he saw that it was not just a children’s game, but very serious fishing. Kids caught fish by using spears. And they were very skillful fishermen.
That was too much for his tortured senses and he started laughing. He laughed at his own misery, he laughed at his intellectual supremacy which couldn’t feed himself, he laughed and laughed until he left breathless. Seeing him, children started to laugh too. For them, he was just a funny dressed man who made them laugh. And every nice person deserved food and kindness. So, one of children gave fish to the young man. “What to do with raw fish, you little savages? Never mind, I’ll show you a magical trick.” He broke into pieces the smallest spear and lit a fire. Children screamed and run. “Come here! It’s good. See, no harm.” He talked in a calm, hypnotic voice, showing bare hands, as he red in some manual about animal taming. He placed fish on burnt branches and very soon, a pleasant aroma filled the air. Kids started sniffing like hounds. Each of them got a piece of tasty meal. Soon, all fish were cooked.
“Father would be delighted to see his creatures learned how to use tools. But, maybe he would be less delighted if he knew I gave them fire.”
Suddenly, a voice , a very familiar voice, roared in his mind: ”I’m impressed, my son, for you became humble so fast. It takes courage to admit your weakness and accept help from those you misunderstand.”
“No, father, you’re wrong. I am just playing with your pets. I learned them to light a fire and cook food, not to eat like filthy animals, which they are. So, why are you here? If you want to apologize because you threw me out, I might accept and return home.”
“Lucifer, my son, I didn’t throw you out, it was you who ran away. Your jealousness must be ended now. You see things that doesn’t exist and that way make life difficult both to you and to the others of your siblings and fellowmen. I need no apologize from you, my dearest son, just to realize how wrong you were. Come home, my son, it’s not a place for a prince here.”
“No apologize from you?! After all you’ve done! I need no place in your mother ship, or your family. I bet you didn’t miss me for a second.”
“Because I love you so much, I’ll leave you to cool your head. But don’t make me wait for too long. If you stay here longer, I’m afraid you could become like all the other men of their kind.”
“Never! Even if I spend a lifetime here, I’ll never be like others. Now, you may go, father. I’m sure you have more important things to do.”
Children saw strange man was talking to himself…. Children saw him cry….. Children ate fish and minded their own business……
That was brilliant Zaklina! Great story!
Thanks a lot for this nice compliment. 🙂
…what a great message from this story…good job Zaklina…u rock!
Thanks 🙂 Your complement means a lot to me 🙂
Nice post! Nice picture!
Thank you for reading it 🙂
Thanks a lot! 🙂 It also has a special meaning to me 🙂
Enjoyed part two of your story. A deep meaning and message here.