As many of you already know, Google is going to shut down Google+ in April. I expect that the admins are already aware of this, and have a plan to replace g+ with another image-sharing social networking site. I am wondering if they’d be willing to publish the name of that successor early, so that we can all create accounts there now…
The untimely demise of Google plus
Alex Ledante
12 Votes
Googlegoogle plussharingsocial media
Pinterest is supported now (image sharing). Google plus was an interesting experiment by google but as is their tradition if they don’t rocket to the top, they shutter the doors.
A lot like IBM when I think about it.
An apt comparison. I get the feeling they were always looking for any excuse to pull the plug on an underperformer…
yup. Its too bad, Google+ has a lot of features that Facebook and Pinterest never really got. Pushing things to Tumblr works but, they have limits as well.
I wonder if Google is going to rejigger plus and open it as something else later!
It seems to have left a bad taste in their mouth, so I doubt it. But you never know, someone might come up with a hip new idea and then it’s resurrection time…
I haven’t really used G+ … lol and it’s already closing.
Your suggestion is pretty good … we can only hope the admins accepts it -
We don’t know that Virily plans to replace g+ with anything, only that it is going away soon. It would be nice to be able to plan for the future, though…
It’s very good news for me that they plan to create another image-sharing social networking site, not simply to shut down g+, thank you so much for sharing!!! Also hope that Virily will support this new site.
I doubt google has any plans to replace g+ and I don’t know for certain that Virily will be replacing it with another site. The only thing I know is that g+ will be sunsetted in April
I hesitate to answer you, but I hope so for your sake Alex.
If I know now, I can be proactive. If I have to wait to find out then my posts will not get outside hits for a while, so this is as much for Virily as it is for me…