Part of the new morning habit that I started this month is reading the Bible (using YouVersion Bible App). If you may have noticed I have shared here a few of the images generated by the app.
I have a confession to make.
I was a Practicing Catholic. I am still a Catholic now but I have been inactive with the practicing part except for the morning and night prayers that I always do.
When I started, or to be more precise, restarted, my daily reflections along with my list of things to be grateful, I am actually in the process of rediscovering my faith. I had been inactive from the church for quite a long time now. I believe it’s time for me to be active again. Perhaps not with a religious mind set but a more spiritual one.
In today’s word, I suppose the first step to bring honor and praise to God’s name is by declaring that I am a Christian, then praise and honor him not just by words but by doing good deeds in his name.
Have a blessed day my friends.
Studying passages in order to be sure we have the whole counsel of God on a matter is a beautiful gift. Coalescing Colossians 3:17 and 1 John 3:18 in these thoughts on glorifying God is a blessing.
May the blessings of God always be with you
You have a blessed day as well my friend.