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Modern Cinderella – What Does It Mean When She Lose Her Shoe Today

The story began today when I found among other notifications the following one.

Notification - Win Smarty Pants Badge

WOW!!! But, what it is? OK – I got it, it’s some reward. I also got it that I received 20 Virils for achieving it. That’s nice and WOW too! ? But, what the heck I really accomplished? So help me God if I know!

The description says “Smarty Pants”. As English is not my first language, of course, literal translation crossed my mind first, and that pops up the whole new serial of questions.

  • Smart Pants! Hmmm…??? Do they think I have or wear some smart pants? – OMG, are they watching me somehow?! 😮
  • Why smarty pants? I didn’t post anything about pants even less something smart. I’m just joking and having fun all around.
  • Hmmm…??? But, maybe they think my more or less funny posts are smart! – WOW! ? – But, hey what would pants do in that ‘constellation’? Who lost pants among my ‘smart’ words? 😀

What can I say?! – This blond (yeah, I’m talking about myself in a third person) didn’t think about famous English idioms.

Do I have to mention that I’ve recently read stbrians’ post “English Is Not My Mouth” or even better nay took Trafalgar Law’s quiz “Can You Pick the Right Meaning For These Idioms?” Only because of those two I should know better. Well, but I didn’t! ¯ _(ツ)_/¯

So, as the description also says it’s some kind of a badge I went to see (under the Menu here) what badges we have after all. And there I found that cute little owl with rounded cylinder hat.

Smarty Pants Owl

What Does It Have To Do With Modern Cinderella?

Well… Smarty Pants cute little owl remind me on a meme I created some time ago for another platform that as such doesn’t exist anymore.

Therefore, I’m bringing you here newly, a bit modified version of that old meme.

Modern Cinderella - Meme

So much from me today! I’m not drunk, but I am yours Smarty Pants DayByDay Blond! ? 🙂


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by DayByDay


  1. It is interesting that earlier today, around 11 am, I was also thinking about Cinderella losing her shoe, but it was a doll with a missing shoe, and the Prince has likely found it and will bring it to the person who owns the doll. I don’t know where this came from, but it just popped into my head earlier out of nowhere.

    • Maybe some kind of telepathy?!
      You know they said everything is vibration even we are, so maybe, somehow I touched you unknowingly and unwillingly, but the signal was sent out to the world and you picked it. 😉 🙂

    • Thank you very much for the explanation, Blue Sailor! 🙂
      But I’m still surprised as I have only three posts and one submission. Anyways, it’s nice to be rewarded! 🙂