After you have conquered your foes, you must then choose to take some time and rest. Sleep is something that is necessary after you have accomplished your daily goals. However, things that are distractions can keep the mind so occupied that the body will then pursue after other cravings instead of resting. As a result, fatigue and depression can set in. Here are four separate steps that you can utilize so that you can properly enjoy your rest.
1. Be still. Before you can rest, you have to calm your mind down. You will not be able to rest when the mind is running off on a different tangent. The mind must be given some time each and every day to wind down so that mental fatigue and burnout will not have a chance to seep into your brain. Being still allows for the mind to relax and to realize that your circumstances cannot control your thought process.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
2. Be quiet. Talking about your problems will make them appear to be really bigger than what they are. When you are telling others what you are going through, then they will agree with you that there is a problem. When you listen and observe what others are going through, then your problem will become more miniscule. Although I am American, I realize that what I am going through pales in comparison to the observation of what is occurring in other countries. There is no need to talk about my problems. I see what people are going through in Syria. I see what people are going through in Yemen. Seeing what other people have to deal with will allow for you to work on finding the solution to your problem instead of whining about the issues in your life.
3. Regret the times that you missed out on sleep. Every time that you are tired, focus on all of the time you could have been sleeping. Then, obtaining sleep will become a priority in your life instead of keeping up with your social status on this planet.
4. Cherish the time that you rest. If you do not appreciate rest, then your body will remain anxious and restless. Do not worry about what will happen in the future because you are not able to affect future events. If it is scheduled to rain in your area tomorrow, then it will rain regardless of how much time you spend worrying about the rain. Appreciate you rest.
Humm, I have to think about this. Often talking out my problem is the best way to get moving on.
Thinking is resting. You have the concept down pat now.
Excellent posting and tips ….
People often underestimate the importance of downtime
Thank you for the comments and thank you for taking time to read this article.
Good post, the cat’s picture is wonderful.
Great advice and good bestime reading.