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Sambucus – a chemistry chest of peasants

Because the Sambucus has many healing properties, it has been called a “chest cage of farm people”. It helps with many problems, from diabetes to hemorrhage, colds and hay fever, even pure blood and stimulates sweat.

This valued plant is useful all around, from shoots, leaves and flowers to the inner bark layers on the roots.

The flowers of the Sambucus are excellent for cleansing the body, and they also help with coughing, flu, compromising fever, pneumonia, colds and asthma. They fortify the mucous membranes in the throat and nose and thus strengthen the resistance to infections.

In the leaves of the Sambucus, there is a medicinal substance, which affects the amount of sugar in the blood, and precisely because of this, Sambucus tea is an excellent means for the treatment of diabetes.

In addition, you can also use the leaves as antiseptic wounds for wounds and as a means of insect repellent.

Are you interested in how bark affects our health? You may find it incredible that a bark of some plant might have a positive effect on the human body and organism in any way, but in this case it is unbelievable, probably. The bark of the bones, branches and roots of the bezga acts as a laxative, helps with kidney, bladder, muscle and joint rheumatism, and guidemeal disorders.


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Written by vidocka


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