A young rabbit with red wine. A fantasy dish that could only be described in superlatives, and it’s preparing more than simple. The meat is soft, and saft is gorgeous. This is truly a gourmet pleasure for everyone who loves meat from the game. In the same way, you can prepare pheasant meat. Serve with a polenta, or any other supplement that suits you more. Meat lovers will be thrilled, and I hope that vegetarians will not get much reprimand.

It’s a very appealing dish.
redundant name for the recipe- coney means rabbit
Thanks for the suggestion ..English, I almost do not know . I get by someway.
Coney is an archaic term for rabbit, it isn’t used much anymore so even some native English speakers don’t know what it means
Thank you for this remark. I really did not know this.I already have over 50 years. I never learned English. In school, we learned Russian. All I know, I’ve learned it myself. Thanks for every suggestion. I really appreciate it.
You should be proud of yourself- your English is way better than my Serbian or even my Russian…
I once ate a rabbit meat. It is delicious for it is prepared like that. Rabbit meat is considered here as exquisite and it is too costly.
Yes, it’s expensive too. But, when you go hunting, you get meat without money..hah.
What I mean fo rabbit meat here is exotic. It is not exquisite. We don’t have rabbit in our abused forest. What we have here is a wild boar, but they are also extinct or endangered.
Looks good very healthy meal
I had the chance to try .. it really is delicious.
I already ate a rabbit … I’ll try this recipe too
Try it, I think you’ll like it.
Have not tried this dish before.
In my family, several cousins are hunters. That’s why I had the opportunity to try this meat.
Ova slika otvori mi apetit.
Jeste specijalitet.
Imala sam prilike da probam ..zaista je specijalitet.
Meni je majka jedanput podmetnula zeca.Nisam znao.
Sada volim divljac.
Hah..i ja sam prvi put jela zeca kad sam bila klinka.Moj stric isao u lov i doneo ga kod nas da ga spremimo. Jos tada sam videla da je meso vrlo ukusno.
This looks so delicious! I´d have to try it!
I had the chance to try .. it really is delicious.
I haven’t eaten a rabbit.
It’s very tasty. I thought it would have a bad smell, but when it’s cooked properly, it’s great.
Yummy now I am hungry…