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Aquafaba – Egg Substitutes

My oldest daughter is allergic to eggs, so we’re always on the lookout for good alternatives. I’d been reading a lot about “aquafaba”, so we finally gave it a try. Watch above, as I turn “chickpea water” into a whipped egg white substitute.

The rule of thumb is that you need 3 Tablespoons of aquafaba to replace one whole egg or 2 Tablespoons of aquafaba per egg white. Based on our experience, the “aquafaba” or chick pea water is a suitable egg white substitute. Now, we’ve tried other types of beans or legumes, but they haven’t worked quite as well. If you’re allergic to eggs or a vegan, be sure to give it a try.


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10 Points

Written by Chris B.

Energy Dependence Day - Two countries, different in almost every way, yet bound by the common thread of oil. #author #book #ebooks #thriller


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