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I still would not let up on wearing a mask

As much as I would love to get my ass into a gym, I respect that my gym will  remain closed for a few more weeks until there is a greater decline in Covid-19 cases. We just went into phase 4 in Illinois, but even if it were the final phase, I still would not let up on wearing a mask or following those Covid-19 precautions that have been hammered into my memory such as washing hands, and maintaining social distance out in public. 

#covid #coronvirus #testing #chicago #virily #writer #blogger #socialdistance #flu #gym #illinois #thomasgouard #pride


What do you think?

Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!


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  1. i am glad to hear you are wearing masks. I have been watching the rallies, (peaceful) about the emancipation monument in DC, and noticed that the vast majority of people in our area are wearing masks!

    what are your thoughts on the emancipation memorial in DC?


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