I used a tool that produces images by copying the light it senses.
I took photos, so to speak.
What’s the light par excellence? The sun, of course.
You know, the thing that rises, shines and falls, to rise again.
Before falling, or dying, it turns red and stains the sky.
It sounds so familiar.
I decided to celebrate the sun by sharing some photos with you.
Now that I’m getting more confident with cameras, I might join the community challenges more often. I can’t promise anything, but I’m happy and grateful I’ve been more active lately.
This time, I’m making a classic list.
#1 Clear sunshine
I thought it was pretty cool. Actually, it was quite warm.
I couldn't look at the sun with my bare eyes, but the camera gave me the opportunity to look at the light, from its own perspective.
The clouds on the right seem to hit the star, like bullets. Or spears.
Alright, more like feathers.
#2 Dirty sunshine
This time, the sun is choking behind the clouds.
I feel like it's been struggling to appear.
Whether we see it or not, it's always there.
The light is the proof.
#3 Clear sunset
#4 Dirty sunset
#5 Dirty sunset – Low ISO
I was experimenting with ISO.
ISO is the pupil of the eye of the camera.
A low ISO will see less light, a high ISO will see more light.
I really like the colors here.
I can feel the warmth of the sun from this picture.
Great impressive light beacon
A very lovely picture