I put out a bird feeder far away from the bluebird house close to my deck. Our weather has been a roller coaster and spring weather is slowly making an appearance. Due to this I have seen many different species of birds I normally don’t see at my backyard bird feeder. This Downy woodpecker is one of those rare sightings. He is only about six inches long. He has distinct black and white stripes with a touch of red on his head, telling me this is a male. I caught him drinking nectar from the hummingbird feeder on my deck just now. Funny, the hummingbirds are not very fond of him. So we will see who wins. I will eventually take down the bird feeder when the insects start showing up. They usually prefer insects and beetles over bird food. And I enjoy seeing hummingbirds and do not want to disturb them.

A few interesting facts about this smallest American woodpecker. They have a short lifespan. Five years is an old bird. Downy Woodpeckers are found throughout the United States with the exception of Hawaii and parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, and Alaska. They are found year-round throughout this range, though, like many year-round resident birds, they may change the areas that they frequent, thus seeming to appear and disappear with the change of seasons. Downy woodpeckers are one of the few woodpecker species that will come to a feeder, most often for suet. This is my first time seeing one on my deck. What a treat.
365 Photos Challenge Day 164.
This was rather ingenious and so useful
ok. I like bird watching but describe it differently. Thanks for the comment.
It is always exciting to see new birds at my deck feeder.
Good shot of this woodpecker
Thanks, I was peeking out the door with my camera, had to be quick!
We get these around our house occasionally.
My first time to see one and it was a challenge to get this shot.
That’s a lovely photo and an even better article!
Thank you so much Elena. They are cute little birds.
Is he related to Robert Downy Jr. Lol. I like the way you placed your copyright signature on the feeder. It’s pretty cool!
Ha! I think you may be on t something. That may be why he is such a handsome bird. Thanks for noticing the little things, most people do not.
Love it Carol, one of my favorite birds!!
Thanks Steve, was excited to see this one at my deck.
This was a quick shot, i hope to get closer to him soon, he is skittish. Camera shy.
Like watching Carol’s National Geographic channel here. So enjoyable!
That is a nice thing to say, I wish I had their photo equipment.
I really enjoy everything about them that you already or will present here.
You are so supportive, I appreciate it Albert.
Incredible and a lovely woodpecker, thanks for showing this beautiful bird. You do well with the bird feeders.
Thanks, he is a cutie at only six inches long.
Beautiful bird and such a cute picture.
Thanks, it was a challenge.
I’ve to say it’s a well taken photo…
I haven’t seen a woodpecker in my whole life, I do have hummingbird coming to my house for nectar though
Thanks, I opened the door very slowly and took it through a couple of inches, challenging.
Hmm…I guess you’ve spy qualities 🙂
You learn when you deal with nature.
Such a cute picture! It’s a pity that their lifespan is so short.
Thanks and this actually goes for a lot of birds. Nature can be cruel for the little ones.
Very nice bird picture
Thanks, it was a rare challenge they are hard to photograph, very skittish.