Continuing the 365 Photos Challenge, I am now on Day 56. If you would join in, you do not have to be nominated. Here are the rules on the 365 Photos Challenge.
Today, this afternoon, an appointment has taken me to a cafe. It was a nice meeting. During the cafe, I sat facing the wall that has walls with ornamental decorations.
A simple ornament but has a multi-layered depth and it looks quite interesting and cool as it suits the overall interior design.
It is my habit to enjoy everything philosophically, as well as the ornament. Somehow with your judgment, but if I see that ornament as a plot of life then it must be living with a monotonous rhythm. If I imagine my life’s motion like that ornament shape, I would definitely feel very saturated, maybe even depressed. How about you?
I am glad that you are excited about it. I will wait for the next info.
Tell me if you’ve posted it
What a cool picture Albert. Really made me think and ponder.
Ah, Coach, I blush with such flattery ?but thank you very much.
Great photo, thank you for sharing!!
Thank you so much, my friend.
I am curious to see it!
That’s a cool idea, why not?
There is a lot of turning in the way of man. Many common points of intertwine with other people. Just like what’s in the picture.
Wise interpretation, Elenka! It was great. Thank you very much.
My first impression was DNA chain. 🙂
I thank that’s good and creative impression?…
Della said it so well. I totally agree with this philosophy.
This philosophy teacher speaks very succinctly! LOL. Thank you, Kim!
This is how I feel these days with these cold frigid temperatures and snow on the ground.
I understand, Carol. You’re lucky it’s not forever! Hehe…
You sure to observe everything around you. This pattern makes me think and think. It has a meaning about joining I think. That where there is unity good things can and do happen.
Aha! Your in-depth perspective works well to see everything. Thank you, LaJenna
Life has its ups and downs but don’t get depressed about it. The pattern always seems to find its way to the top.
Every time this girl talks, I am always impressed with her wisdom! Thank you, Adel.
Aww, thank you kind Poet Master.