Continuing the 365 Photos Challenge, I am now on Day 55. If you would join in, you do not have to be nominated. Here are the rules on the 365 Photos Challenge.
This Leak mannequin is the last photo of my trip to Bali last week for this challenge. The leak which usually creepy, here just look fashionable at the airport information counter Ngurah Rai Bali.
The leak is a figure which more than just a legend or myth for the people of Bali. They are the hereditary enemies of society for thousands of years. In fact, Leak is a human with a black magic called “Pengeleakan” which is identified with the evil behavior of the followers of the left or the pengiwa (adherents of the left ism) in the form of the human head with the organs hang on the head and require the blood of the embryo in order to to live. Leak in Bali is often said to fly to find a pregnant woman, to then suck the blood of babies who are still in the womb. A leak can transform itself into a pig or fireball, while the real Leak form has a long tongue and sharp teeth.
In the daytime, the form of Leak Bali is like an ordinary human, but at night they will change and no longer human. They become evil spirits that will fly around.
This leak magic can be studied on lontars containing a series of Dark Arts. In lontar Durganing Purwa stated that there are about 35 types of the leak, including Leak Pemoroan, Leak Nengkleng, and Leak Ugig which all connotes the ugliness in the Leak’s magic.
If someone stabs Leak’s neck from the bottom to the head when their head is separated from their body, then Leak cannot reunite with their bodies. If the head is separated for a period of time, then Leak will die. The mask with a frightening face shape with long fangs pointing out and long protruding tongue like that mannequin is called celuluk, which is the leak with the lowest grade.
Very interesting, great photo!
Thank you very much, Courtney
Anytime, it’s my pleasure!
Almost everyone thinks the same, my friend.
Yep, you are right, and the story is still continuing!
It’s ugly. Your photo is great, but the leak is one ugly creature. 😀
If you give a smile there, then I get confused, is it really cute ?r ugly?
It is so ugly that becomes cute….. in a way. 😀
Well… So ?cute is the final result, right?
Don’t push. I still don’t like it’s face, but it looks very interesting. 😀
Well, it’s not as pretty as you or cute as I am, but at least cool and fashionable.
You’re totally right. 😀 Sometimes, I even have better hair style than he has. 😀
If its hair is neatly arranged like Farrah Fawcett’s hair, ? it’s definitely not Leak…
Hmmmmmm…… Are you sure? Those creatures could be tricky, sometimes. 😀
Could be, maybe it’s disguised like me, ?but surely not Farrah Fawcett
Well it looks cool and a little scary at the same time
Because it looks so different to us, then it’s true, it looks both frightening and cool as an ornament.
Amazing story and image Albert. I wold never have known about this if not for your post.
Thanks for sharing this and love the photo.
Almost every region in Indonesia has these kinds of things with their own peculiarities. I am close enough to these things to understand its essence in a spiritual context.
Interesting story. The very statue is fear and terror.
Hahaha… Terror? Is that mannequin so horrible?
interesting story about the leak!!
Just curious, Do leak move up the grade/rank?
Nope. A leak does not move up the grade/rank but they are made up of different kinds and have a queen.
Ah… interesting…
such mystical stuffs are so intriguing
Thanks for explaining, Albert
Thank you for your response, my friend. I’m not a fan of horror films but something like this is something I like to learn.
Hmm… Won’t classify this as horror but “mysteries” and culture, I guess
You are right. Mystery, culture, and mystic are very interesting to me.