So, you know what that means?
Well, that means I get to share 8 days worth of photos… Grins… I love sharing pretty stuff. Here is what’s blooming in my yard.
#170 Some say these are pretty.. What do you think? This was not zoomed, and straight out of the camera.
It is an Orb Weaver Spider.

# 171 My hibisicus is blooming again. I almost killed it by putting it in the wrong kind of soil. I thought I had bought potting soil, when I had bought garden mix. The soil I bought was to be added to dirt in your garden. It burned the plant almost to the point that there was no saving it. It lost all of its leaves…

#172 Dark Pink.. Most of my plants are in pots. The soil here is almost all sand and very salty.

#173 My tiny pine tree I transplanted from the wild. He is still alive!!! The puppy helped me take this picture. See the piece on the soil? : ( She topped it..

#174 Is the plant I have chosen for a ground cover. I don’t like grass, and they are actually trying to ban people from having it here. Or at least the watering of it. This was taken from a cutting down the road. I love it’s tiny blue flowers.. : )

#175 Pansies.. I also love purples!!

#176 This is called Stock. It smells heavenly!!

#177 I have different colors of pink all in one pot.

# 178 This finishes eight days worth..
This is growing up the Eucalyptus Trees that border the road outside our property.

A back lit petunia… See the damage a monarch caterpillar did to it? Thanks to Alex for the ID, I put it in the ice plant outside of the fence.. I hope it stayed on that side.

And of course who was also helping from her outside bed, was LILY, the supervisor. Yes, that is a cardboard box you see in the back, with a chair cushion. The perfect bed!

I hope you enjoyed the flowers! Have a great day.
Enjoy the photo cute cate
Thank you very much Imran! : )
Loved all the photographs, very nice! Pretty flowers 🙂 And Lily is a beautiful cat!
Thank you for taking the tiny tour. : D Shes beautiful and a great supervisor. lol
I always enjoy your galleries Kim. Would love those tiny purple flowers. Never heard of Stock but sounds awesome. And Lily is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Thank you Carol. My tiny yard. : ) I am not sure what the name of the little ground cover is, wish I did. Stock is awesome, I wish I could send the smell to you.
I wish you could too. You have a lot going on in your yard, no matter the size.
You have, very nice flowers, my favorite is a Dipladenia!!!
Thank you Branka, I was looking for that darkest deep burgundy but they didn’t have it. The pink was my second pink but I love it. It blooms like crazy.
8, 8, 8 days in one. The Doublemint of the 365-day photo challenge. Thanks, Kim…
888 indeed, : D. Thank you Doc!
Enjoyed the photo, but the deep purple colored flower is my favorite. Cute cat too
Thank you, some of those blooms are almost black.. I took seeds and will plant them all over! Thank you Lily is a doll.