(to quote an old TV show, the names are changed to protect the innocent! I’ll let you decide which side is innocent!)
There are elves that sneak into our house, sometimes right after dinner, sometimes much later. They are not the quiet elves that snuck in and made shoes for the cobbler. They are the loud elves who argue overturns and who has to wash the by hand dishes. Once upon a time, there were no rules about hand washing. That meant pans were left to soak for days. Sometimes, pans would sit on the counter dirty “soaking” until the older elves got angry.
That created a new rule, the if it is dirty on Tuesday it has to be washed on Tuesday.
Initially, the creation of the rule by the older elves caused a great panic amongst the younger elves. This resulted in a couple of explosions and some loud pan rattling. The younger elves expressed the infamous “it isn’t fair.” I am happy to report that the older elves were able to succinctly explain to the younger elves that when “one is captive of the fox, one does not dictate to the fox.”
Thanks for bringing back memories of having little elves helping out. I really miss them, but I enjoyed your wit.
I wish mine were little, then the reality of quality wouldn’t impact me. They are all adults now, transitioning (college) to the next part of their lives.
That is funny, I rarely use my dishwasher. 🙂
Ours is used once, sometimes twice a day. Scary how many dishes are made sometimes.
Young elves simply need to learn order and discipline. Hahaha
Agreed. Sadly I have failed in that education.
Yeah, I frequently end up putting away the elves work!
Hahahahaha! I used to be an annoying person to be with. You know why? Because I always want everything to be neat and orderly. I mean if you borrow one of my books make sure to return it back in the same place and return it the same way you got it. No water splattering in the kitchen. No splattering of shampoo, soap and hair conditioner on bathroom walls. No this, no that. I remain the same in some sense but living with the witches somehow change me for the better. They still call me O/C though. Lol! But I learned many things including eating street food.
I guess annoying is in the eye of the beholder!
Maybe so but also I realized, now that I am older, that a little chaos adds spice in one’s life hahaha. My dad used to tell me when I was a teen that a husband would leave me because of that O/C trait (coz I always told him about the clutter he makes and the ashes coz he smoked) — and of course I’m a nice kid so he gets a “Aww Papa save it! You’re wasting your breath. I will not marry.” ???? I swear I will be scared to have a kid like me. Worse than your elves.
My father wanted me, more than anything to follow in his footsteps and become a professor. I like technology and business stuff, so he gave up.
Hahahaha the heartaches we gave to older elves ??? and that is exactly the reason I don’t dream of having an elf ??? avoiding karma is good policy methinks
lol, the photo together with the story is just brilliant.
The younger elves are not happy their story was presented in this way. They feel that the misrepresentation of their position is another example of the unfairness of older elves.
But the older elves is wiser so they earned their right.