
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 247 The Bookends!

The Bookends. What once was for humans is now the domain of Labs. Not sure when I lost control since one of the spots in question is my spot. I guess as an adult we always have to wonder when we lose control. I suspect it was around 17 years ago when the first lab appeared at our house. I don’t think I’ve had control since. I have friends that don’t let their dogs in the house. I have friends that don’t let their dogs on the furniture. In our house, the dogs let us on the furniture.

Dylan also lets me drive his car. Although, he does frown at the twins if they sit in his front seat. He does let my wife sit in the front.

Anyway, the bookends!

Anyone can be challenging pictures. Anyone can take pictures. Anyone can join the photo challenge!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well, I like your color theme here, if you are going to have bookends that is. One black and one white.
    lol on the story. I do understand.. it happens slowly, gradually until one day you notice,,,wait, I used to sit there!
