
365 day photo challenge Day 11

In the front window of our house is a settee. It used to be in our living room, but because it is not leather, it collects dog hair. The decorator of the living room of our house felt that it was not a good idea to have a hair settee in the living room. The decorator was going to throw the settee away. But, it is the property of the dogs that live in our house, and they rebelled. So we moved it from the living room to the front room. Guests never go to our front room as it is a craft area. What once would have been a formal parlor is now, the dogs barking staging area and a craft area in our house.

The dog in the picture is Serenity. She likes to sit on the settee mostly because humans yell at dogs when there is barking. Serenity doesn’t like to be yelled at. Tamsyn, one of the other dogs, like to stand on the settee and bark. So Serenity makes sure Tamsyn can’t sit on the settee and bark!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!