This is #272 of the 365-day photo challenge, and anyone can join. All you have to do is post a photo for 365 days.
This is a picture of my daughter Stacy after having a hair cut. The funny thing is as soon as she gets her hair cut she says she hopes it will be long for Christmas lol. It is healthy for hair growth to have it cut periodically.
Image Credit-LaJenna
When the twins were little we took them to a place called Cookie Cutters. Why, they loved the place and would sit for a haircut.
Now, when I say barber shop they say, no.
They, want styled hair!
lol twins do think alike I have heard. Thank you!
The hair cut is neat, though I am not sure whether her hair will be long in Christmas as there are only about two months away, right?
Lol kaka135 but this haircut was from a couple of years ago. She did get her hair cut a few months ago about the same length, Thank you!
That is a neat hair cut I got mine cut too but this time it is shorter and yes I too hope it will grow by Christmas time (lol)
lol indeed many that get their hair cut desire it to grow fast afterward,
She has nice, thick hair. I keep mine shoulder lengths and cut it myself,
lol grace I would never dare cut my own hair.
Thank you RasmaSandra for complimenting her hair cut.
Haha, sounds like my sister after her perm …
“I wish my hair was straighter…” lol
lol to your sister’s hair problems. Thank you!
That is keeping her hair healthy…Ironic getting it cut and wanting it long for Christmas
She knows it needs cut but she prefers long hair lol. Thank you Pam!
Hope you are having a great day! 🙂
Thank you Carol, but have a lot on my mind today.