This is #248 of the 365 day photo challenge, and anyone can join, Just post a photo for 365 days.
I colored this from the Hey Color app. It is very relaxing to color, and see how coloring can beautify the world a little better. Try the Hey Color app, and see all the beautiful relaxing possibilities.
This is a simply way of enjoying beauty right Carol?
Image Credit-Hey Color app-that I use to color this picture.
Full of color beautiful….just amazing…
Try it Baby Gill you may like it as well. Thank you!
well congrats on 248!
My wife loves the color apps. She does these all the time. this one is quite beautiful!!!
Thank you Doc for seeing its beauty.
you did really well, 🙂 I would end up with a one color bird!
That App must be heping you to erase mistakes too. Perfect job. Well done.
You can’t make mistakes lol, so perfect coloring every time.
Very beautiful and so colorful.
Thank you RasmaSandra for the compliment.
Indeed this is beautiful my friend!
Thank you Carol, I knew you would love this one.
I thought you used watercolor.
Thank you for commenting Alex, just a coloring app.
It is nice! It’s the first time I hear of such an application!
Thank you lleana, try it, it is very relaxing.
Looks good!
I will try out the app you mentioned when I’ve the time!
Thank you alibb, try it, and if you like it I can tell you of other coloring apps.
Is this a modern version of painting from numbers?
I would think this app is called a modern version. Thank you!