
What did the patient eat at home? Now impossible to hide from the doctor

Baltimore: Scientists have managed to invent a simple blood test to diagnose nutritional habits.

The most important in treating patients is to make changes in nutritional habits while practicing completely on the treatment of the physician. Patients habitual with straps and flavored foods, It is very difficult for patients to follow the instructions of the physician. That’s why patients generally speak lie on diet liquor with their physician. However, now medical experts have invented a simple blood test to catch the lie of patient on diet.

John Hopkins University scientists have discovered a simple blood test, by which, following the instructions of the doctors, the difference between patients who do not follow the nutritional chart against the diet and the physician will be able to understand the difference.

The test will help will easily identify, that patients have been following their nutritional care or have not yet reached their diet habits.

Through this test, the nutrients in patients’ blood can be understood, and their quantity will also be evaluated, likewise, therapists will also be able to monitor patient’s calories. This test will be very helpful for specialists and especially Nutritionist.


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