I came home late. All activities today are quite tiring. After cleaning myself, I went to the backyard to pick some red betel leaves (Peper crocatum) to brew and drink. Well, that I do as just an effort to maintain health, considering this betel leaf has so many benefits.
I have two of three kinds of betel; green and red betel, the one I have not yet had and grow at home is a rarer black betel. Black betel for shamans often used or associated with mysterious or magic things.
All three types that enter the genus piper class with leaves that resemble the shape of the heart. All three have many natural chemical compounds that are very good and effective to prevent disease, treat, and overcome various health problems.
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Aside from being healthy, does it at least taste good?
The taste is good !!! Bitter and slightly spicy…
Of course you’re using black betel, you old shaman!
One that I avoid from my existence in the spiritual environment is to be a shaman, well though sometimes inevitable! LOL
You can’t run from your destiny, you only end up further down the path…
Serving people in need, once in a while is fun, and let it take me anywhere! LOL
Do what you love and love what you do, eh?
Yep! One thing is for sure, we will feel guilty if we do not help others with what we can do. Well… as long as it is not giving water beside the river
I’d never heard that analogy before, which means I’m going to sound really clever when I use it out here…
O’o… It is a sweet compliment from a humble person…
I humbly steal your material *YONIK*
* YONIK *? That’s a new word to me! What does it mean?
that is the sound it makes when you steal something
I wonder, stealing what and where can that sound produce?
I’ve stolen your phrase “giving water beside a river” and when I did, it made a yoink sound
Went to ear as a cool sound! Btw, have you actually stolen it? Because I do not feel lost anything.
The tropical plant is beautiful and very useful
You are so right, LaJenna. The plant is very useful. Here, even many neighbors were asking for various purposes.
How beautiful and I have never heard of this before. Good for you for staying healthy Albert!
It’s a typical tropical plant, Carol. Very useful to have it here. Thanks!
The photo is magnificent. And I want this betel. Having been very good and effective to prevent illness, treat and overcome various health problems.
Thaks, Elenka. Very good to have it indeed! Unfortunately, I don’t know if this plant is suitable to be planted in your place for the reason of different climates.