A drawing of mine.
A quote for today from a movie. The actress Judy Dench said this, “Be nice to people serving you, for they may be going up, when you are going down!”
I have often seen people who are rude to others.
I used to work for a woman with Multiple Schlorisis where her speech was slurred and she walked with 2 sticks.
I grew very fond of her, her name was Karen Beach and liked and respected her very much.
One day I took her to a Bank. She had a letter from her Doctor, as Karen was unable to sign her own name on a cheque at that time.
The bank clerk was an officious looking woman who looked very important and rang this person with one phone in one hand and picked up another phone to call some one else.
Finally she told Karen it was fine and then the bank clerk looked at me and said, “You there! Does she usually do this?” in a loud pompous voice.
I had to do a quick prayer that God would prevent me from jumping over the desk and clocking her one. For I was seething with rage. Finally I said, “She can speak for herself!”
We both left, the bank. Later I was told that I should have rang the management and complained because Karen was a member of the public and deserved to be treated with respect.
Not long after I went to the place where Karen lived and found out she had died. I was very sad, although she had been badly crippled, she had a marvellous sense of humour, was very kind and a bright intelligent woman with more courage than most I have met.
I am sorry for your loss and happy that she is in no pain.
Thanks so much Ghostwriter, this was a long time ago…….
Nice drawing!!
Having worked in a service/sales line previously, I’d try to defend the bank worker … but I know sometimes its just the inability to control our mood and take out on the next customers. Imagine working daily for 7-8 hours facing some equally (or worst) rude people, you do get days you just can’t be too nice …
I’m sorry you lost your friend. Remember the good memories with her.
Yes, I can relate to that. I don’t think that there were many bank customers in this bank. However, you do get rude customers.
My late always said something to the effect of “Courtesy will not harm you.” It is a shame that the bank clerk had a such mean attitude to your late friend because she was not able to sign her name on a cheque. So much for never bite the hand that feeds you.
Well, this is an interesting set of comments. I can see both sides, however rudeness has no excuse. Yet, on our side all Karen was asking for the bank clerk to cash a cheque when she could not sign it. Karen was not rude to the bank clerk.
It may have been differcult.
If a person acts rude, the rule of thumb that I have is just never do business with that person again. The person that should rudeness to Karen will get what is coming to her down the line.
Karen was extremely polite but Karen’s speech was affected by her crippling disease and none of us was rude to the bank clerk.
I don’t think that the bank clerk was being rude, but she was, well pompous and condescending in the way she was talking about karen. I don’t think that type of person thinks that they are hurting anyone, they just feel superior
Thanks Deepizzaguy. My Dad used to work in the bank and yes, you are right some people are downright rude.
When you have a position of power, people tend to act pompous toward a person that is in the lower rung of the ladder like the fictional character of Miraculous Ladybug called Chloe Bourgeois who calls the students that are under her class since her mom is a fashion designer and her dad is the Mayor of Paris “commoners”. My wish on that cartoon was that someone would place her over their knee and spank her bottom.
Thats is so true, I have the same idea
Beautiful drawing. Yes, courtesy costs nothing, as the saying goes. No excuse to be so rude to people like that.
Thanks Maggie, glad you like the drawing. Yes, well this person was full of her own importance. I guess some are just like that, but they can cause others to become angry.
Sadly, there are way too many people like that around I find, ones who are full of their own importance, and like putting others down.
Some people really behave exalted. They do not realize how fast they can be on the opposite side.
Yes, that is one way to see it. You are so right. I pays to remember that we are all flesh and blood. Thanks for the wisdom and insight Vidocka.
Yes, you are certainly right. There is always a reason for why people act the way they do. It really does pay to be understanding and we can always learn something.
I would not presume to understand why until I asked the person
Thanks so much Tasartcraft.
Some people have no respect for others. Sorry you lost your friend. And good for you for showing her the respect she deserved.
Thanks Carol, yes I would say I was very fortunate to have met karen.
Some things here show your quality, Pamela. Partly as I have said before and the other is that you are a sincere help.
Thanks so much Albert, you are kind to say so.
It scares me sometimes that people are justified in saying anything. Good for you!!! Stand up for those being trampled by bullies in real life and online!
Well thanks Doc, you are quite right, there may be reasons given by people to justify bad behaviour such as Horatio Bottomley of the Edwardians.
I did not stand up for her, I stood beside her.
Karen herself was inwardly seething.
I love that – like the old adage.
Do not walk in front of me I may not follow.
Do not walk behind me I may not lead.
Walk beside me, and be my friend.