Uncertain what you’d call these things in Japanese, but they are servants of the forest god. Possibly just call them that in Japanese? I don’t know enough about that language to make an intelligent decision…
holy servants – WIP
Alex Ledante
8 Votes
I am working through a zen thought and have been for a long time.
Our eyes are drawn to the rock striking the surface of the pond. But the ripples are soon gone.
there you go, that goes, of course, both ways. Few things can create permanent ripples in the water.
(my apologies clicked WTF by accident).
Really like this piece, but agree, a different post might be stronger.
I should really title one of my WIPs that, only I don’t want to post anything that should have the title of WTF
(pose not post, sorry early am typing issues)
I always wonder about that phrase. In Government consulting, that is the go-to phrase for most of the capture managers I work with.My favorite capture manager always has a kickoff meeting, then a senior team meeting (WTFIGOWTF?) It makes me laugh every time!
Lol, I love the details in the foregound … the tiny cracks and grass blades … from the raw … that version to me shows most of those details …
Hmm… I’m not quite a fan of the posture of the creature …
I looks like it’ll sprain somewhere …
other than that, nice work! 🙂 -
the raw and soho look most interesting. the soho one looks earthy and rugged, while the raw one looks natural and soft.
I am not strong enough that all my WIPs have solid emotional content. But I hope the final pieces do…
this reminds me of the characters in Pan’s Labyrinth.
not what I was going for, but I can totally see where you’re coming from…
A very good looking character.
I should do better by her
The female character is going to be a smash hit.
Great creativity old chap, but this ugly thing can’t be holy man. If that’s the case I better run to another universe…lol
It doesn’t exist her, so far as I know. you’re safe. Safe from this, anyway…