Fresh juice doesn’t have to be green or full of spinach to be healthy. Pomegranate juice contains more than 100 phytochemicals. The pomegranate fruit has been used for thousands of years as medicine.
Today, pomegranate juice is being studied for its many health benefits. It may help with cancer prevention, immune support, and fertility.
Red juice is becoming more popular these days with their anti oxidant properties and lowering cholesterol.
I is very good juice for health i like this.
I use pomegranate juice regularly my word on it is fantastic
Surely not. I love pomegranate but someone has to peel it for me. And who says green is the only juice that is healthy We have carrot juice too and so many others.
I love pomegranates , I love eating the fruit as a whole.
My dad always had to have a pomegranate. As a child, I said too sour for me but he taught me to eat some of the fruit in small portions. Occasionally I like to drink a mix of cranberry and pomegranate juice.
Yes, Sandra, it really is an acquired taste but really is worth your while drinking it. It has become extremely expensive in our country, about $3 a kilogram.
I have tried this before but just not my style of juice. I prefer V8, apple or grape juice.