Do you have some people who offer you instant solutions for this, that and the other?
I get it sometimes from my elder siblings, who are very kind and mean well. I get it from the internet or someone who wants to be helpful.
When I tried to do what others wanted me to do I could do nothing. Yes, I really wanted to please them but I can not be anything anyone wants me to be. I can only be myself.
Anything you put your hands to do with honest hard work and you have a mind to do with your physical and mental abilities you do. If you apply yourself, you will be surprised at how much you can achieve with so little ..
I often wonder at my own creations and ask, did I really do this? Yes, I did.
Looks nice! I always had difficulties when I tried to draw hands, to me, they will always be a challenge.
Yes, you are right Tasartcraft, it really was a 5 minute rough sketch.
Good idea … I have a lot to do with handsome hands
Thanks Lado, you are indeed very handy
With great pleasure dear Pamela
Yes, I often think of the same thing. There were so many unexpected things that I had never imagined before which it turned out I could do it, even for my profession.
Thanks Albert, glad to know that is shared by others.
Wonderful work. I agree that hard work and perseverance can do many things.
Yes, I suppose any work is not so hard once you get started, often harder to begin. The real test is the after effect of what you have done.
The rewards are greater still
Pam, the hands tell a story, in this case, it is of patience and skill. Love this thank you for sharing!
Hi Pamela, you sure did … and you did it well. Formal training, nice – but always you, … always continue to do that 🙂
Thanks so much Yucca Rose, art and what ever you do in life is a continual work. Always lots to learn and just keep going.
No artistic stagnation … always on the creative move – good for you. I really like your work and approach.
Nice artwork my friend.
Thanks so much Nercie.