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Three Little Kittens

Three little kittens, Garkitty, Yakko and Blinkin. They are sired by our male house cat, Garfol. Only Garkitty survived.

How these kittens got their names?

Their names came from the suggestions handed it by my fellow myLot users. They gave several names, many names. I found it hard to which to use. My youngest son and my 5-year old daughter love these three kittens. So I gave them the right to give what name these kittens be called. I didn’t want to dishonor the names suggested by my fellow myLot writers. I resorted to draw lot. Since our youngest son preferred the male kitten and our granddaughter wanted the female kitten, so they picked the names from the box with several rolled papers with the names respectively.

Garkitty and Blinkin, the two female kittens were picked by Inday Sophie. And Yakko, the male kitten was picked by Toto Jun.

Now Garkitty is 4-month old. She gets the agility and smartness of her Pa, Garfol in catching a mice that are scavenging in the house during night time or even day time when nobody is around in the house. So far Garkitty has already caught and killed three mice in separate days.

Later I will feature a short video of how Garkitty caught a mouse during day time when I was around.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Gil Camporazo


  1. I like the fact that they have unusual names. Our dogs and cats have unique names, too. I don’t want to use ‘ordinary’ names. Then again, my name is Rex, which is hardly usual. LOL

      • I know, but it isn’t very common. Well, my father was also Rex, but I can easily count on one hand the number of people I’ve personally know who’ve been named Rex. That is the way it is with unusual pet names for us, though usually even more so. I had a dog named Dante, another named Tai’Pring, a cat named Garae, and one of our current cats is named Y’hana’he (Cherokee for ‘Spirit People’.)