
Love ItLove It

This is a Problem


Right we are being over run by marmots and raccoons. The marmots have made the back porch their home and the raccoons are hanging out in the trees. If either of them begins climbing like this they will be no more. 

We didn’t interrupt the elk who ate everything in the yard in sight. We are trying to be reasonable with the other critters, but damage to the roof and coming in through the chimney are simply things we cannot tolerate.

The live traps are set and we will relocate them one time. If they return we will make leather items. We try to live and let live as long as we can.



What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. I’ve never seen these except a racoon a long time ago at the Auckland Zoo. I made friends with the racoon and we liked each other, I patted it, the racoon chatted. I left and only then did I read the sign “Do not touch the racoon!” A bit late.

  2. Good thinking raccoons are cute but they do cause a lot of damage to one’s surroundings. I am glad you are trying to catch them and let them loose in the woods. My uncle used to have them for teaching his hunting dogs to hunt and fetch. Good luck.

  3. Up to a point one can accept these untamed creatures but if they are a nuisance you could trap them and send them to their natural habitat

    We sometimes spot reptiles. We immediately call the expert who catches them. We pay him to let them in the jungles. We never kill

  4. Raccoons are well known to wreak havoc of roofs, downpipes and attics. They are also voracious eaters. I do not blame you for fearing their entry in your house although I enjoy their antics and robber’s face camouflage. We often have deers crossing our back yard to go to the fallen apples of the apple tree further down but I never saw an elk..


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