I caught this Robin going after the mealworms I put out for the Bluebirds. I did not mind as I like seeing these birds up close. I see spots under the chin which tells me he or she is probably a juvenile, not an adult yet.When they get older they will have an orange-red breast. Some people call them a “Robin red breast”. They are a lot bigger than the Bluebirds but they all get along. That is another reason I did not mind sharing the mealworms in Dustin’s garden.

in Animals
Nice image of a robin.
Very pretty… I didn’t know juvenile robins looked like this… 🙂
He is actually big for a juvenile but still has his spots on his breast.
A big baby.. lol
We have a lot of robins here every year and they nest in our trees. American robins are actually thrushes and not robins, but I don’t care. I had a juvenile that ‘helped me’ when I was putting in the garden this year. It would follow me around and stay within about 10 feet of me, seeming to know that my activities would turn up earthworms, grubs, and insects, which it was all too happy to remove from the garden.
That is funny that he followed you looking for worms! 🙂
Great shot. They usually pass through here each Spring but this year I didn’t see any.
I have them year round.
Very cute little bird
He was actually a large bird but thanks Elenka.
Cinderella is a living abundance. How grateful if life is filled with a variety of beautiful life.
Aw, thank you Albert. I do feel like Cinderella at times I suppose. 🙂
.. and I hope your life is filled with beautiful abundance!
Nice bird and lucky to catch
It is a good size juvenile robin indeed! At this time of year, we have many different stages of robin around. I saw a baby one yesterday, took some pictures but didn’t download them yet!
I know, at first I thought it was an adult and maybe it is but just still has its spots.
So cute bird