Here’s a beautiful collection of bird photos by some of the Virily authors. I had this idea is inspired by Cmoneyspinner who often shares collections of tweets on different topics. So I thought we should have some with Virily content. Today, I noticed that Carol created a collection of Virily posts in an open-list format and I think that’s a great idea because everyone can participate.
Please, support the original posts if you have the time. Feel free to add your bird posts too, I’d love to see them.
#1 Blue Jay Peanut Feeder
#2 Macro Monday – Peacock Profile
Peacocks are not just gorgeous when they show their amazing tails, but they have beautiful eyes too.
#3 Crazy colors ~ Unknown bird
#4 Friendly Flamingos
#5 Saturday Critters – Under umbrella
#6 Bird of the Day – The New Zealand kea
#7 “I am the monarch of all I survey”
Seeing wild peacocks visiting your garden must be an amazing experience.
Hey I have one of these now – Doesn’t look anything like yours, but he did his best.
As long as the birds get food, nothing else matters.
I loved this one. Thanks Ellie, what a great idea.
I would love to see a blue jay some day, such gorgeous birds.
I haven’t seen one. Can we make this as our pet?
Me neither. I think they are only found in America.