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Neem oil uses

Neem Oil can be useful for many things, to get rid of head lice, scabies, fleas, treat psoriasis, scalp conditions and many medicinal purposes.

Also for psoriasis is a dose of castor oil from a bottle on your scalp a day before washing your hair. 

A Neem oil spray bottle can get rid of some fungus on some plants.

It has a multitude of uses.

I have not yet tried these formulas but may be an alternative for flea treatments for pets ..Its worth a try.

Perhaps some of you may have other uses for Neem oil?

Neem Oil Shampoo


  1. Into a jar, bottle or any sealable container transfer ¼ cup of liquid castile soap, ¼ cup of coconut milk, 3 tbsp of rose water and 1 tbsp of neem oil with the help of a funnel.
  2. Remove the funnel and carefully add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of geranium essential oil.


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


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  1. I just put neem oil on my list a few days ago. My butterfly bush has powdery mildew, and I am battling it with neem, baking soda and water in a spray bottle.
    Now shampoo, I have never thought of using it on myself. I will definitely try this. Thank you!


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