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Taking Light From The Shadows ~ Wednesday Shadows

In my hands, there are shadows of the past and light of the future. But my hand is my life now. My hand of now can take light from the dark shadows of the past or vice versa, blur the future with shadows of the past. It all depends on my deeds.

Benefaction is not the same as kindness and sin is not merely evil. In the consciousness of the universe, there is actually a benefit in goodness and evil, as well as there is sin in both. If we have understood and surpassed the truth of universal duality, we will easily understand this.

A soldier’s righteousness might be a sin for a priest. The sin of a thief may be his charity to increase the awareness of a stolen person. The concept of our mind is not the main determinant between where charity and sin. It is our Soul Awareness that can understand and sort it out well.

Noticing my hand, I pondered, to what extent I already had tried to gain my soul consciousness so that I understood what fruit of righteousness and sin really were for my role in this life as the Soul in the human body.

  • Question of

    Do you know what is between the two tips of my index finger and thumb on the cover picture?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Could it be that we can take light from the shadows of the past and create the future?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

18 Points


  1. Users voted 12 times.
    Q: Do you know what is between the two tips of my index finger and thumb on the cover picture?

    Yes (8 votes) – 62%
    No (5 votes) – 38%

    Q: Could it be that we can take light from the shadows of the past and create the future?

    Yes (9 votes) – 75%
    No (3 votes) – 25%

  2. We must not forget the past, but learn from our mistakes. And of course not to repeat them in the future. The circle of life is a string of bad and beautiful moments.

  3. Users voted 10 times.
    Q: Do you know what is between the two tips of my index finger and thumb on the cover picture?

    Yes (5 votes) – 50%
    No (5 votes) – 50%

    Q: Could it be that we can take light from the shadows of the past and create the future?

    Yes (7 votes) – 70%
    No (3 votes) – 30%

  4. Every cloud has a silver lining and all that glitters is not gold! ?
    The object you’re holding doesn’t cast shadows. If you were to hold light, it would not let shadows be that dark and sharp. I guess you’re holding something the way people hold the Leaning Tower of Pisa when they pose for a photo. ?

    • You are amazing, Sabrina. For young people, you are very wise!
      Hey, you’re a good observer… My hand gesture is just a form to use something there for a photo like you mentioned. In the next two photos, that “thing” is still there clearly, right?
      Actually, it’s just a reflection of the ceiling lights on the floor.

  5. You hold the light! I’ve seen good people do bad, and bad people do good. There are always two sides of the coin. Great thoughts here! Love the photos as well. So creative..

  6. Does the past shape the future?

    The argument of course that we have lived therefore our experiences flow forward is one that interests me.

    First, because we can change course.

    Does that mean we discard our past?

    Second because we have changed.

    Did we then leave our past behind?

    • Great question, Doc.
      How are a person’s character, attitude, and behavior formed? Isn’t the interaction between personal nature innate with parents, family circumstances, environment, school, with all the experiences given shape our tendency to address our lives today and tomorrow?

      Certain awareness, thoughts, or circumstances can change the direction of our lives but, of course, it does not discard our past, we even need to ask, can we find diamonds in all our past experiences so we can map our life, and know what our birth mission is, and know what to do next to fulfill it?

  7. I believe in generative thinking, rather like our hydro electricity. Good and bad turn the generator that creates electricity to our homes to be used for the good.
    Bad things bring tragedy but if we use them to create good the outcomes can be turned around

  8. I do not know what’s between your fingers. The future can be built from the shadows of the past or from our experience of the past.

  9. Pfff! Too much philosophy dazzles me!
    Between the tips of your fingers is the light of your future taken from the shadows of your past!!!! (You told us, did not you??)
    I would like to be able to learn from the dark side of my past to create a brighter future, but ….

  10. How cool of an illustration my friend. Looks like maybe some sort of laser light. At first I thought a pill, medicine, but then I saw the shadows. And, as I continue looking, I see an eye of one of your cats perhaps.

    A great way to see our future as being taken from our past. I like that philosophy.

    • Thank you so much, Carol. The light is only a reflection of the ceiling lights. At first, I just wanted to take a picture of a shadow when I saw a unique shadow created by my hand on the floor in that part, and when I took pictures from several angles and gestures, I saw that reflection of the light and felt the need to take it.

      If we can take all the lessons and wisdom from the past, maybe we can do something far more effective and useful for our future, right?
