I envy Kitty! And how not to envy! She sleeps all day! Why does she sleep so much? Because she wants! No matter where, it doesn’t matter how! It does not matter that it is my laptop and I need it!
I would like to do the same thing but …. I do not fit on my laptop keyboard!
“Perhaps one reason we are fascinated by cats is because such a small animal can contain so much independence, dignity, and freedom of spirit. Unlike the dog, the cat’s personality is never bet on a human’s. He demands acceptance on his own terms.” – Lloyd Alexander
Do not forget to post your critters today!
How many hours does a cat sleep on day?
12 – 17 hours
8 – 10 hours
more than 18 hours
House cats sleep on average about 18-20 hours a day. What a life huh?
i don’t have a cat… but i envy those who have.
My late ad always said that “Cats choose their own masters.” The kitty looks a lot of like Munster Cheese in terms of the coat. Munster Cheese like to take long naps in the laundry room or the living room.
This is true. Cats choose their owners. I found Kitty in the park. She followed me daily for a week until I decided to take her home.
That is nice to know since that is the way we adopted Burt the kitten when he was outside the front door getting some food.
Awww, what a lovely kitty. Mine is a tabby with some white markings.
All cats are cute, no matter how they look like! I think they’re the most beloved pets.
I do too. They are the perfect pet, I always think.
Cats fascinate us in many ways, including their sleeping habits. Btw, we have three cats sleeping this Saturday.
That is right Albert! Kitty is half of my daily dose of zoovitamin. The other half is Maya! Saturday became Caturday! Saturday has become Caturday, is not it? It could be a new challenge, a day of cats on Virily!?
That’s a good idea, but hopefully not only the three of us who post it again. lol
How cute is this shot! My Brendel does this often. And they sleep many hours a day.
The quote is perfect for us cat lovers.
Kitty interpose between me and my laptop every day. I have to keep she in my arms if I want to use the laptop!!!
Aww, your cat is so cute. They can sleep anywhere. I don’t have a cat, but would love one.
She is the owner of the house!
Their life is quite simple
Their life is simple, but sometimes cats complicate our lives!?
interesting quote, I’ve seen many like it over the years. People that love cats love cats!
I am on of the cat lovers! The problem with cats is that once you bring them into the house they become the owners of the house and impose the rules! Kitty did so!?
We don’t have cats in our family. Ours is a dog house!