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A Helping Hand

My cats always feel they have to give me a helping hand, no matter what I am doing. I was wrapping a gift today and of course Dude was the first to come investigate. I took several photos but I liked this one. He really wanted this bow. But he kept trying to chew on it, so I placed it on his back and he froze for like five minutes. It was as if he was afraid to move. So funny. He finally moved and ran all through the house then back to where I was wrapping. His next adventure was after the gift was wrapped. So fun to have animals around to make you smile. All this time my other cat Brendel was out sleeping in the screen room. She missed all the fun.


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16 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. You are right about the cat, Dude also like Popeye and Susie, who are always curious and happy to help, especially if a project is done on the floor or in the garden. Very helpful until they lying on top of the project. Dude look handsome!

  2. so many memories, too little time. Once many years ago I was lighting fireworks. My little sister kept inching closer and closer. Mom kept saying get back, but she included forward. One of them called a flower back then, bounced, hit a pebble and bounced straight towards my little sister. Our dog stepped in front of her. Even though that firework burned her leg. she didn’t move to protect my little sister.

  3. You’ve made me smile with such memories of our last cat. She was so smart and friendly. She had to learn that she couldn’t trust everyone/thing, which was unusual for a cat. When working in the garden she was my little pal, especially interested in what I was doing in the wheelbarrow and liking a ride in it sometimes. Thinking of yours with the bow on his back is so funny. Thanks for sharing him with us. 🙂

    • Aw, I am so glad you were able to smile looking back on your memories. I too have lost other cats and dogs. They are like your shadow. Thank you for visiting and the lovely comment.

  4. All my cats like to get on my wrapping paper when I want to wrap a gift lol. So funny. Your cats looks like Eclipse my cat that visits us.
