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Spot the difference – Find Five (answers)

On Monday I posted a game called Spot the difference, Find Five seen here.

The object of the game was to find five changes I made to the original photo.

Here was the original.

Below is the edit. I took out five things, and added one thing.

And here is what I did…I took out the shadows of the dome, I took out the bell shadows in the bell tower, I took out the brown lattice fence, I took out the little cross and added a green bug.

I circled the changes seen below.

Thank you all for playing! How many did you guess correctly?


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


    • Lol, sure doc! That’s my problem with making these. I always wonder if they are too easy since I know what I changed. Seems easy to me. lol Thanks for the input though really. This tells me they are not too easy peasy!
