The pink color is a combination of red and white, a hue that can be described as a shade. It combines the energy of red and the calm of white. Pink is the “sweet” side of red – the bigger the percentage of red, the more energetic this color is, but without being too aggressive. His symbolism and popularity are subject to many influences.
The pink color is the color of universal love and happiness, perceived as a carefree and positive color. It is no accident that the term is looking at life through “pink glasses”. For most people this is the color of sugar cotton, gum, babies and little girls.
Associates a sense of relaxation, but attention: studies show that using large amounts of pink can cause physical weakness and fatigue in humans.
Pink color creates a sense of timidity and sweetness. It affects our inner world rather than calling for action, which is why it is often preferred by more introverted people. Gentle and delicate, the pink color reminiscent of early spring flowers, romance, love and friendship, caring. It denotes female qualities – refinement, sophistication and passivity.
The Pink Ribbon is an internationally recognized symbol of hope and awareness in the fight against breast cancer.
Advertising is used when it comes to suggestions of caring, tenderness, body care, baby products, softeners. Used in the cosmetics and perfumery industry, in fashion especially for lingerie design. In the interior – in the furnishing of children’s rooms.