How good are you at recycling?
Did you know…The average person throws away 74kg of food waste each year. This is the equivalent of 1077 banana skins!1 litre of oil can pollute up to 1 million litres of water drinking water.
See how you do in this quiz and then re-assess your recycling habits!
Question of
70% less energy is needed to recycle paper as opposed to making it from raw materials.
Question of
If you recycled one tin can it would save enough energy to power a television for ___ hours?
4 hours
3 hours
1 hour
Question of
Research shows that up to 80% of the things we throw away could be easily recycled or composted.
Question of
How many average sized newspapers/magazines can be made out of 1 tree?
Question of
Just one recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a light bulb for ___ hours?
2 hours
3 hours
1 hour
Question of
It takes 50 times more energy to make a battery than you actually get from a battery.
Question of
How many days do you think it would take to turn old newspapers, books and magazines back into new ones?
10 days
7 days
20 days
Question of
Aluminium cans are 100% recyclable?
Question of
More than 28 billion glass bottles and jars end up in landfills every year which is the equivalent to the Empire State Building filling up every 3 weeks.
Question of
How much less energy is needed to recycle paper and reuse it compared to making it from raw materials.
Question of
How many double decker buses do you think the amount of waste paper sent to landfill each year in the UK would fill?
103,000 buses
40,000 buses
250,000 buses
Question of
Every steel can is 100% recyclable, it can be turned into more steel cans, bicycles, parts for cars and many other every day products each and every time.
Question of
The recycling rate for aluminium cans is around 90% in countries such as Brazil and Japan.
Question of
Glass is 100% recyclable and can be reused over and over again.
Question of
On a typical Sunday in the UK nearly 90% of newspapers are thrown away. This is the equivalent of throwing ___ trees into the landfill.
1/4 million
1/2 million
3/4 million
Question of
How many years can plastic take to fully decompose?
100 years
500 years
50 years
Question of
How many plastic bottles do Americans throw away per hour on average.
Question of
The vast majority of plastic shopping bags are only used once. How many years do you think they take to decompose?
400 years
100 years
50 years
Question of
How many metres can you drive a car on the oil it takes to make 1 plastic bag?
Question of
Plastics from items such as carrier bags and bottles that end up in our oceans kill around 1,000,000 sea creatures every year.
Recycling Quiz
You got 14 out of 20 right!
Not so bad
12 out of 20. A nice quiz
Well done sir! Thanks for playing.
I enjoyed answering it got 19..
Sjoe! You are a recycling boff! Excellent job.
13 out of 20 right!
Well done. That is not too shabby at all.
i got 5
Oh dear….
14 right. Shocked at #6, and utterly horrified at #17. Thanks for this, very educational.
Glad you found it useful.
14 correct
Good job. Thanks for playing.
12 out of 20 here.
Well done Kim!
I got 13 right
Great job Edith. Thanks for playing.
Clearly you are a good recycling person! Thanks for playing.
Well done! The figures are indeed scary.
14 of 20; very educational and the figures are scary
Half correct answer.
Thanks for playing Cassy Janine.
More than half Gina – well done.
9 out of 20
Scary facts hey – thanks for playing.