Test your knowledge of the human skeleton with this fun quiz. Spread the fun by sharing your score below ?
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All answers correct per Wikipedia.
Question of
The human skeleton is made up of _____
Question of
Humans have about 270 bones at birth. By adulthood we have about ___
The same as at birth
Question of
Which of the following is NOT a major function of the skeleton?
Production of blood cells
Hormone balance
Question of
Male and female humans have identical skeletons – true or false?
Question of
Although present in other primates, such as the gorilla and chimpanzee, the baculum or penis bone is absent in humans – true or false?
Question of
How many pairs of ribs in the human ribcage?
Question of
Which shows the greatest difference between males and females?
Question of
Which of the following words means ‘bony’?
Question of
How many bones in the human head?
Question of
Which of the following does NOT mean skeleton?
Russian: скеле́т (skelét)
Irish: creatlach
Hawaiian: kinanahiwi
Hindi: कंकाल (kaṅkāl)
Welsh: sgerbwd
Hebrew: שֶׁלֶד (shéled)
Dutch: geraamte
NONE! They ALL mean skeleton 🙂
Scored 6,enjoyed it,thanks!
Thanks, Tiada! Glad you enjoyed 🙂
Welcome, I always remember 206.
I scored 7. I accidentally chose a wrong answer. It should have been 8. Learned something about the skeletons.
In Kiswahili, a bone is ‘mfupa’ and bones is ‘mifupa.’
Well done 🙂 When I was about 11, I bought a Teach Yourself Swahili book and got about halfway through, but I’m afraid I remember nothing of it now… mfupa and mifupa: that’s an interesting way of forming a plural, by changing the inside of the word instead of the ending.
Most Swahili words are formed that way. Adding some letters in the words instead of changing the form.
That was good. It isn’t hard until you dive deeper as is the case with English.
That’s true! Most languages are quite easy when you approach them first. But your English is excellent. I thought you were a native English speaker 🙂
Thank you. English was my favourite subject in high school. My interest in reading books helped me a lot in knowing the language. Later, I immersed myself into creative writing and learning more how to speak and write ‘good’ English. I’m still learning because my English is still wanting. Occasionally, my articles and essays are rejected because of grammatical errors including abuse of words.
I agree. English is easy to learn but quite difficult to use it properly.
8/10 here. I got the one right about the primates, just because I had no idea they had bones in em. The other one was number nine the bone head question… lol figures.
I hate to ask this, but I wonder if that is where the slang word boner comes from…
LOL Kim, I’ve a notion it is!! 😀 Oh and well done by the way!
Thank you Norman, you’re quizzes are always so much fun.
I got 5/10. Could’ve done better!
And you coulda done worser! Thanks for playing,Lena 🙂
i got 9, almost a full Norman!!!!
Great share pal! we miss you!
Hey well done, Scott! I’m here, just a little s..l..o..w..e..r than I used to be 🙂
I am a lot s.l.o.w.e.r than I used to be as well!
Happy with my score. 7 out of 10
That’s good enough for me! Thanks for participating, Grace 🙂
Great quiz I got 6 right never could count all them bones
There sure is an awful lot of them!
Likewise 😀
You got 10 out of 10 right!
Perfect. You rock! I got them all Norman, great quiz!
You DO rock, Carol! Well done – you’re certainly not bonicular 😀
Always good to see you. 🙂
Likewise ?