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Quiz: Animals and Their Locations

Animals live all over the world. However, that doesn’t mean that we always know where in the world they call home.

This quiz is just a little bit different. Each question will have a picture of a wild animal, followed by a list of locations where they might be found. The goal is to match the animal with the location it is most apt to be found. This quiz, though not tremendously hard, can be a little more difficult than you might think. Remember that an animal that is common in one area might be totally absent or rare in another.

  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Northern South America
    • South Africa
    • Australia
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Florida
    • India
    • Africa
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Tanzania
    • Bolivia
    • Laos
  • Question of

    Where would you likely find this animal in the wild?

    • Indonesia
    • Germany
    • Chile
    • Chile
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Botswana
    • Northwestern United States
    • Brazil
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal in the wild?

    • India
    • US Rocky Mountains
    • Peru
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Egypt
    • Australia
    • United States
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Vietnam
    • Mexico and Central America
    • Kenya
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal?

    • Greenland
    • South Africa
    • Southern Argentina
  • Question of

    Where would you most likely find this animal in the wild?

    • Thailand
    • Costa Rica
    • Angola


What do you think?

35 Points

Written by Rex Trulove


  1. Informative, interesting and tricky quiz.the black mouse that I have never seen before, a white tiger its beauty inspire me, please mention the name also

    • The black mouse isn’t a mouse. This is a chinchilla, now commonly raised as pets and for their fur, though they are small animals.

      The white big cat is a snow leopard. 🙂

  2. That was really interesting, Rex. The quiz didn’t calculate at the end, and I don’t think I’m going to count manually as I did really badly! I had no idea there were any bovines in Greenland – glad to learn that datum 🙂

    • Some of the quiz questions could be a bit tricky, like that one. Musk Oxen are creatures of cold areas of the north. They are found elsewhere, too, such as some places in Canada, Siberia, etc, but there is actually a subspecies that is endemic to Greenland. They are primarily of the North-East part of Greenland. Some years ago, a number of those musk oxen were captured and let go in southern Greenland. That new herd prospered in the milder climate of southern Greenland and today that new herd is culled every year to keep the numbers in check. The culling is done through hunting and the issuing of 30-50 hunting permits per year.

    • I thought it would be a bit harder than people thought. There are actually two parts of the quiz. The first part is identifying the animal. :)) Where there any surprises for you?