Archives: Quizzes
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346 Views23 Comments14 Votes
DIS or DAT QUIZ: Iceland or Ireland?
187 Views21 Comments18 Votes
The Guessing Game!
235 Views35 Comments27 Votes
The 2nd Dog Challenge Quiz
214 Views20 Comments20 Votes
Song Titles: Fill in the Blank 2
240 Views33 Comments16 Votes
The Easter Bunny Came Last Night…
221 Views28 Comments17 Votes
Human Body Quiz: Things you probably don’t know
378 Views33 Comments19 Votes
The Easter Hunt ~ Find that Easter Image!
1.1k Views37 Comments21 Votes
How much you know the sport.
487 Views21 Comments14 Votes
Animated Quiz: 2 Faces
297 Views36 Comments9 Votes
Animated Quiz: Guess it hidden Subject!
273 Views31 Comments15 Votes
DIS or DAT QUIZ: Spain or Italy
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