This poem was written a few minutes ago – My letter of intent to the dreaded Covid19. I hope it makes you smile.
You and I,
we don’t belong together,
Now or ever,
never in my lifetime!!
Your words are virulent,
harsh and mean,
your touch is deathly,
painfully crushing,
causing even the strongest to scream!
Your hold is strong,
yet you flit along.
taking as many with you,
even as you cling to me !
You and I
we don’t belong together
now or ever
shall we ever be!
You are a plague,
a killer of many,
merciless executioner,
of the unwary!
Keep those strangulating arms at your side,
as I run indoors away from your sight
safe living they call it,
that is what I seek,
to be out of your reach,
from your lecherous arms,
to find health and healing ,
in the confines of my home!!
You and I ,
we don’t belong together.
now or anytime,
Never ever together!!
Question of
Did you find the humor in this poem?
Question of
Did you find any humor in this poem?
Question of
Did it make you smile?
It’s amazing to see that inspiration can come from anywhere. Stay safe!
True, inspiration can come from anything, the good, the bad the ugly!!
You are a plague,
a killer of many,
ruthless executioner,
to the unwanted!
I like it. Thanks for the smile. Congratulations.
Thank you Lacho, Sometimes I am just happy that someone read my posts.
Nicely done Dawn, we all need smiles. 🙂
That is so true, I shudder to watch the news. Humans dying like flies and world organizations and leaders doing precious nothing about it. Sad times indeed.
we don’t belong together – that applies to so many things. I was laughing when I saw your picture and then really laughing as I read the poem!!!
That does apply to many things, I agree.. I need Virulence of every kind to stay away.
i wish I could grant that to you, but all of us face the waves of disruption. How we focus determines our ability to keep Virulence away.
LOL, I don’t just wish, I keep all this at a arms length.
that is a good thing! The wear and tear of the world can be hard to keep away!
Great poem, it sure touches home. Stay safe.
Thank you Kim for taking the time to read. Stay home stay safe.
Hope the virus has understood your message and will always stay away from you now and forever!?
I hope so to, but as I read the news I understood that covid 19 is going to be around for a long time. Expert say that we may even learn to live with it as we have done with the flu.
I love it. Its world and ours is different. Its is harsh and virulent. Made me smile.
Oh yes, these are two different worlds. We really don’t want ours contaminated.
Yes, it should mind its own world.
I should say this poem was written a few days ago now. Its four days since I wrote it.