When reading a post on Virily, do you like the option of getting to comment on each individual photo or do you like a story, where you can only comment at the end?
Do you like the classic list or story format?
Classic List
I might like the classic list better if the comment replies would thread properly in the comments after each photo. That’s why I often don’t reply to comments on comments. I also like the story because the header photo isn’t duplicated in the text.
True, sometimes its not easy to reply. I found that if you go to your profile to pull up the story, you don’t have problems with commenting.
I know, but it’s an extra step I just don’t want to take. It makes everything slower.
It doesn’t really matter to me, but now I am so used to the lists that I always look for the vote icon and the comment form whenever I see a photo. 😀
Thank you Ellie!!! : )
Well, actually it depends on the idea, but I still prefer story format for my writing style in general.
True, I keep going back and forth. I post one in story, then one in list.. Depends on the amount of photos I have to share as well.
The right hand one, I meant the hill with a sharper top.
Thanks Tiada. Glad you liked the photos.
I like the list because it’s nice to see responses on different photos/items or be able to comment on different photos/items…but I agree that story works better when there are issues.
Thank you Courtney!! : )
I don’t mind either but love the stories best.
Thank you Pamela!! : )
I like the stories…..
Thank you Branka!! : )
I like stories for some reason…
Thank you Alibb! : )
I think story is better
“Story” seems to flow better, thank you.
I used to prefer the list but since the reply button has issues, I like the stories.
Thank you for your answer! : )