Another shot of the tiny Ruby throated hummingbird on my deck perch. The feeder is to the far left (out of the photo obviously). I think it is so cool how they sit way out on the end to be the lookout for other hummingbirds. We had 30 degree temperatures this morning. I was surprised to see him out. They usually wait until the weather warms up. But there are so few blooms and hardly no insects, I guess he has to eat and drink somewhere. He is always welcome at my deck feeder.
I had to sit quietly and still for about 20 minutes to get this photo. But worth the wait. He is so tiny I know it is hard to see him in the photo but his iridescent green shines in the sunlight.
Photo ©CarolDM2018
365 Photos Challenge Day 153.
Did you know hummingbirds have no sense of smell but keen eyesight?
Those little guys can book
You better believe they can, love watching them zoom back and forth from feeder to feeder.
One wonders if everyone is moving very slow to them
I hope that is not the case. I like things to be slowed down.
I’m uncertain if there is a link between perception and metabolism…
I have read where animals do see things in slow motion.
Amazing photo, so pretty!
It was challenging to get, thanks!
Thank you very much!
I always enjoy your posts about them! You know why, don’t you?
Thanks Albert, is it because you never get a chance to see them?
Yep! You always help me to enjoy it
I love watching their wings. One of my favorite scenes from Planet Earth is the hummingbird shot in a 200 fps camera mode.
Oh my goodness Doc, what I would give to have a camera like that or Nat Geo, I watched it several times, amazing to say the least.
I also skipped the 1 in front of the 200 I meant 1200 FPS. Oh well. Yes, slo-mo cameras are interesting and the images they capture of hummingbirds is amazing to view!
I knew it was a typo. I love to watch all animals in slo-mo.
The best slo-mo picture I was able to produce was the drop of water, but you can find a million of those on the internet. I could never catch wildlife in slo-mo
It’s one of my dreams – to see hummingbird in natural conditions. And your super photo is one more step to its realization!!!
How cool! I am so glad. They are very tiny and a challenge to capture. I have photos of them in a tree but you can barely see them, I may post them anyway.
Thank you for sharing this post of the hummingbird.
And I thank you for visiting and commenting.
You are welcome Carol DM.
Such an amazing tiny creature! I love hummingbirds although I have never seen one in my life.
They are very amazing Ellie, I wish you could see one.
I do not know much details. But the wait has produced great results. I see it beautifully.
Thank you, they are so tiny and just beautiful.