
Time to move to renewable energy sources!!!!

Portable power systems are interesting. I’ve been talking about climate change, one of the things that will help us start to solve the problem is to focus more on renewable energy and less on fossil fuels. The burning of coal and oil impacts the environment significantly. Wind, solar and water turbines allow for two things. The first is the production of power. The second is that fact that you can use the source today, and come back tomorrow and use the source again. You don’t have to do anything to empower reuse.  The reality of renewable energy is a significant reduction in the output of harmful gases. You can’t consume too much (resulting in the loss of the source), and it is always there.

The sun will continue to burn until it doesn’t so you have a good four billion years of solar power. The sun and the production of energy is a contribution to wind power. The moon and currents drive the production of water-based power. All-in-all a much cleaner, more efficient energy use system. Germany as a nation is at 33% solar power and growing. That is an amazing statistic. Now, lest you think I am a pie-in-the-sky dreamer about renewable energy, I do understand some of the issues. The first is that not all roofs have effective sun orientation. If your house is in the shadows putting a solar array on your roof won’t generate anywhere near the power you need.

Wind Turbines take more space overall than Solar. Water turbines require a river, stream or access to the ocean. There are 100’s of excuses as to why renewable energy won’t work. Homeowners associations that do not allow the placement of an array on your food is another stumbling block (although that is now illegal in many more and growing number of US states). The last issue with renewable energy is the reality of energy storage. Moving energy from one location to another results in transmission loss. But, the problem with renewable energy is what do you do when you can’t use the source. Water turbines in streams and rivers work until the water level is too low. Wind turbines work until the wind isn’t blowing. Solar doesn’t work at night. You have to have batteries and batteries for your solar array, wind turbine or water turbine, can be expensive and well, not reliable.

The future of energy has to be clean. Renewable energy is the future. But we have to be smart about how we get there!

  • Question of

    Have you ever seen a water turbine?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Does where you live embrace renewable energy?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!