I once again remind everyone (sadly), please send an email to the admin team. When I was first on this site (4.5 million years ago or so it feels), there were two ways you could get to the admin team; the first was a persistent chat function on the actual site. Persistent chat allows you to type in a message, even if the person on the other side of the chat is not currently online. When they got back online, your message was waiting for them. If you caught, then when they were online, the answers and exchange were real-time. That feature went away around four years ago. The other way you could contact the admin team was vai the Facebook group. The admins were all members of the Facebook group.
They do not appear to be now. I did a count this morning. I have directly sent 240 or so emails to the admin team in the four years we’ve been using the email. At that time, I have gotten 12 responses back. If that were my comments to another author’s words, I would stop the conversation on my side. But I can’t do that, because this is the admin team, and they control their half the site. They do not and have not been good at communicating with us for many years now. But except for the excellent publication outage last year, there has never been a 20-day layoff from new articles. Let alone realistically three separate 20 days outages this summer. I am openly posting the failure to communicate now.
I know the admin team doesn’t read posts, but I am going to forward this post to them. The goal isn’t to annoy them or to make fun of the admin team, Tey has a job to do, and it supports all of us. It is merely to inform them if they are reading the emails that we as a community are very concerned about. Not yelling but letting the admin team know that we are getting/already concerned. I know they (the admin team) listen to these types of posts because we’ve asked for 18 total changes to the platform. So far, they have complete 11 of the changes we have asked for and taken one they gave us taken away (the edit button). The one that we have submitted four times now is better communication, but if that one were handled, we wouldn’t be where we are now.
Please send them a message asking for posts to be approved!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
Communication is a key thing we need from the admin team!
Question of
Approve the posts, please!
You are absolutely right, the situation is unbearable. This looks bad. Virily is taking so much time to approve posts. Something bad is going to happen, if they do not approve posts faster, people will get tired of waiting and they will leave the site.
leave the site is already happening sadly.
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
i have no idea how to get the admin team to approve these posts faster. i wonder why they are approving and then taking 20 days or more.
sorry didn’t finish the thought and posted the comment –
20 days or more between approvals. We have two authors that have waited more than 20 days for posts to be approved.
This got me to thinking perhaps the admin needs an extra worker who is also writing for Virily. They know the members. they can check on their grammar and content and they approve. I think it can be done. BTW you can inform admin I would be willing to take up the task for a certain amount of salary besides what I get paid for writing on Virily.
we actually proposed something to the admins very similar (twice now) so I agree completely!
i don’t know why they don’t approve posts more quickly.
Yes, I thought something similar in the sense I suspect Virily has lost workforce or they have dismissed people because of the coronavirus. It does not make sense. Yes, they should hire you. You will do a great job and you will approve my posts.
i do wonder – they are making money, they increased the value of a Viril again this month. So its not a money issue. I wonder if they have lost more staff than they could manage. honestly, it is all a guess anyway.
The problem in this site is the lack of response from the admin. If only there would be a moderator to help then it would be more diplomatic.
i agree the problem is that moderation takes more people power than they have today. They can’t even approve posts.
You are getting loud and I just talked about silence. I will meet you in the middle and send more e-mails.
sorry, i am frustrated and going to push harder!
No reason for any of us to apologize at this point.
agreed but I am going to get louder!