Often times I loose perspective. It takes something to jerk me back to reality and make me realize that I am simply a small part of a bigger plan. Still the actions I do can have a large impact on the bigger plan. When I read this I snapped.
It made me remember that I am responsible for my own happiness, my own thoughts and my own actions. The choices I make reflect on those around me. I do owe the world something because so many have been kind, helpful, compassionate and patient with me. I need to make some adjustments.
Does the title resonate with you?
Plenty of truth in everything you say here…It takes a while to learn and accept these things but taking one day at a time helps.
Being thankful for some mercies makes me more happy to learn how blessed I have been
Thanks for posting this.
I like the phrase statement you had shared.
I guess its best if no one thinks if anyone owes or not owes another one…
we just live and live the best of us and not hurt others.
I can understand why you feel that way.
we are people more than anything, humans! We are the captains of our ships, the ones that chart our course.
Getting back to the things that make us happy, always the best path!
Once again you offer sound advice and made me smile.
Then my job is done here!
I always the kids the John Kennedy s[peech. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
In this age of negativity, we have found ourselves sometimes we just have to stop and smell the roses.
Thank you for reminding me to stop and take a moment to reflect.
I agree with your statement and that is true.
I think that it is interesting and thanks for taking the time to comment.
I like the phrase statement you had shared.
I am glad that you liked it. I find that it helps me be a better person.
That’s a very wise perspective! If we don’t create our own happiness, no one can do it for us even if they try.
We are the ones in control of ourselves “I am the boss of me” Thanks so much for commenting I really do appreciate the conversation.
I think some of our young people would do well to live by that quote.
So true, at least 5 names popped right in my head when I read that!
Life sometimes has a way to get us back between the lines.
Oh Wow! What a meaningful comment. I am going to ponder and enjoy that one for a long time.
There is a song called Keep it Between the Lines.