Most of you know that my husband has alzhimers. Everyone who deals with us on a personal level knows that we are striving to make the journey delightful. Today he came in and said, “So where are you and Doc going today?”
I smiled because he attached a name to an activity. And then I answered. “Well, our virtual trip today was to Istanbul. Thankfully Doc has pictures so you can go if you want to do it later. These day trips are nice don’t you think?”
“Yup, is it about Christmas time?”
“No the next big event is Grandma’s 100th birthday.”
“Oh, well maybe we should give Doc a camera for Grandma’s 100th birthday.”
“Maybe, and do you think we should give Grandma something?”
“Probably, I will make her a card.”
He then promptly went back to the bedroom and laid down.
Life is not perfect. I still wouldn’t trade the experience for all the money in the world. I am a better person because of the people who are around me and good times and rough times. I wonder if he will still have the card in his thoughts when he gets up again.
Question of
Do you understand the things you can share here can truly make a positive impact in the live of others?
Question of
Do you search for good things?
Question of
Do we tell people how much we appreciate them enough?
Every disease has certain moments, good and bad. You are able and persevering so you will overcome these problems.
I am certain it will turn out as it should in the end. Thanks for the encouraging comment.
I worked for 14 years in a geriatric psychiatric unit working with Alzheimer’s patients as a Licensed practical nurse and as a Activities assistant. I really loved it for the most part but there were times when I wanted to quit. Loved the picture you chose and you are right it is the little things that make them smile that make it worth it.
It was not something I was prepared to deal with and yet here we are. I am trying to make the best of it.
You are a strong woman for keeping a positive attitude. I was wondering how things were going to go with my mom. She had sclerosis on the brain. I am not really sure how that all works but she also started to lose sight of reality. One Christmas she asked me Where were you born? I knew then I was going to have trouble. She always wanted to know how my older and younger sisters were doing and I was an only child. When she finally had a crisis and died at the hospital I said thank you Lord for being merciful because I could not picture her having to be taken care of at any facility and I could not be home all the time to watch over her.
Wow, that must be a hard thing to remember and share. The mind does interesting things doesn’t it.
You should be commended for keeping a positive attitude for your husband with Alzheimer’s.
Oh I have my days when I should be yelled at as well. I try and share the good times.
He is blessed to have you to keep him going. Thoughts go out to you to keep up and keep going for his sake, and yours.
Your positive attitude will help you tide over the difficult period you are going through. I am a positive person too Life is easy when we make of what we have without expectations
I am not quite there yet. I still believe that expectations are important. I try and get closer every day.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
It’s kind of odd that the “no” option was missing on the last question – let’s make sure it stays correct by leaving positive comments everywhere we ramble.